Seventeen (17) students from various universities in the Philippines visited the Philippine Embassy in New Delhi on 03 November 2015 as part of their activities in the ASEAN-India Students Program organized by India’s Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) and the ASEAN-India Center at Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS). 

            The annual Program, now on its 8th year, brings to India a number of students from ASEAN countries and engages them in week-long activities composed of government visits, lectures, cultural tours and interaction with fellow students in India. 

During their visit at the Embassy, the students were briefed on Philippines-India relations, the Embassy’s thrusts and multifarious engagements with the host government and the Indian people. The Embassy likewise hosted a high tea for the group who were accompanied by their facilitator from the MEA.

03 NOVEMBER 2015

Students from the Philippines dance during the cultural night of the ASEAN-India Students Program.

03 NOVEMBER 2015 1

The students from the Philippines with Ms. Pooja Kapoor, Joint Secretary (East)

of the Ministry of External Affairs.

03 NOVEMBER 2015 2

The students with Embassy officials at the grounds of the Philippine Embassy, New Delhi.