The Philippine delegation elaborated on the robust progress of the country on the implementation of international human rights obligations as the government pursues the development agenda.

Guided by its Philippine Development lan (PDP) 2017-2022, the Philippine Government adopts a culture-sensitive perspective, gender-sensitive paradigm, and human rights-based approach in public service. The Government is in the process of drafting its Philippine Human Rights Action Plan for the next five years, after successfully completing the last periodic plan. 

The government adopts a wholistic and balanced approach to address the problems on criminality and illegal drugs and allots substantial resources to the public health dimension of the anti-drugs policy. In addition to the strengthening of law enforcement and judicial mechanisms, the government also encourages private sector participation to ensure a more effective and sustainable rehabilitation and reintegration programs for the surrendering drug users.

He underscored, "In keeping with the State's duty to promote and protect human rights and fundamental freedom, the people's campaign against illegal drugs is pursued to preserve the lives of the Filipino people and prevent the country from turning into a Narco-State. At all times, the Duterte administration seeks to uphold the rule of law. In fact, President Duterte has a policy of zero tolerance for abusy by law enforcers."

"Our country has consistently adopted an maintained a culture of respect for human rights. Thre releven implementation mecahnisms and institutions to enable our country to comply with its treaty obligations are all in place and functioning properly," Senior Deputy Executive Secretart Menardo Guevarra, co-lead of the Philippine Delegation, also stressed, adding, "our country observes the principle of inclusiveness in its compliance with its human rights obligations."